Category: conferences

  • Chicagoans travel to Berkeley

    The University of Chicago will be well represented at the upcoming annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, which will be held February 14-16, with several members of our department featured in the program. Student presenters will include Ryan Bochnak, “Promiscuous modification and cross-categorical part structures”; Jasmin Urban, “A Modal Approach to Open Questions”; and Osamu Sawada and…

  • Hark! The CLS abstract deadline approaches!

    A reminder to all that the deadline for submitting abstracts for CLS 45 is THIS Friday. All abstracts MUST be submitted by 11:59 p.m. CST by Friday, January 16, 2009.  Authors will be notified of acceptance decisions by late February 2009. Remember, in order to submit, you must first register via the Chicago Linguistic Society website and…

  • Grotberg poster display at 2009 AAAS meeting

    April Grotberg’s poster submission, “Reconstructing protohistorical language contact from non-linguistic data,” was recently accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The meeting, which will be held here in Chicago, is scheduled for February 12-16, 2009. Those who are in the area and who will be attending the conference are highly…

  • Debenport to present at annual anthropology conference

    The 2008 Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, which will be in San Francisco from November 19 through 23, will include a paper given by Chicago’s own Erin Debenport. Erin’s paper, “Private Notice: Negotiating Secrecy in Public Uses of a Pueblo Language,” is part of the excitingly titled panel “Privates and Counterprivates,” which will focus…

  • CLS conference proceedings go digital

    Just a reminder to the many who have already heard the exciting news, and a happy word of announcement to those who may not have: You may have been hearing rumors for the last year or so that CLS is hatching a plan to get the conference proceedings online. Well, the day has finally come!!! Right now,…