Monthly Archives: January 2011

UChicago at the LSA

The Chicago linguistic community made quite a showing at this year’s recent annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, including talks and posters by:

  • Jason Merchant: Agreement into and out of ellipsis sites
  • Jonathan Keane, Erin Dahlgren, Jason Riggle: Variation in segment duration in ASL fingerspelling
  • Max Bane, Peter Graff (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Morgan Sonderegger: Phonetic convergence among reality television contestants
  • Thomas Grano: Aspect under (and out of) control in Mandarin Chinese
  • Max Bane: How many language types are there?
  • Alan C. L. Yu: Abilities to empathize and systemize influence perceptual compensation:
    Implications for sound change
  • Martina Martinovic: A regression model for tone placement in Neostokavian
  • Christina Weaver: Influences on the production of non-native sequences in Mandarin
  • Itamar Francez (University of Chicago/University of Michigan), Andrew Koontz-Garboden (University of Manchester): Property possession and comparison in Ulwa
  • Jacqueline Bunting: ‘More’ and the Sranantongo gradable predicate
  • Eduardo Rivail Ribeiro: Mapping Tupí loans in Macro-Jê languages
  • Eduardo Rivail Ribeiro: On the inclusion of the Karirí family in the Macro-Jê stock: additional evidence
  • Yaron McNabb: The effect of context on the meaning of intensifiers and gradable adjectives
  • Timothy Grinsell: Russian aspect and the semantics of degree
  • Salikoko S. Mufwene: Creoles and the phylogenetic emergence of language: Myths and facts
  • Amy Dahlstrom: Argument structure of Algonquian AI+O verbs: Thematic roles and morphosyntax
  • Alan C. L. Yu, Ryan Bochnak, Tim Grinsell, Christina Weaver: Some puzzles in pronominal agreement in the Washo copular construction
  • Thomas Wier: Tonkawa prosodic morphology and prosodic rule blocks