Category: Alumni

  • Alumni Event: Alumni Happy hour at Jake Melnik’s Corner Tap

    It’s been far too long since our last alumni event, so I’d like to invite any and all MAPH alums who plan to be in Chicago the evening of December 6th to shamble on down to Jake Melnik’s Corner Tap and let us treat you to yummy appetizers and drinks. If free food and beverage…

  • So you want to teach…

    MAPH Alum Kristin Scott shares her very insightful advice on how to get your foot in the door when applying for teaching positions. Thanks Kristin! Some advice for new MAPH graduates and those looking for their first teaching positions: Over the last couple of years, I’ve had a few folks come my way asking about…

  • Mind Your Manners: the key to better living

    Often find yourself in an awkward situation? Having a party but you’re not sure of the correct way to keep away uninvited guests? Have you recently had an interaction with someone and you don’t know the proper way to respond? You’re in luck. Former MAPHer Jim Steichen (2007), in addition to his other life activities…

  • Journeys in the afterMAPH: Poker scams in Bangkok

    The next travel installation from MAPH Alum Adrian Hall…. Hi guys! Since last I wrote you all: I was happy to leave Bangkok behind because after a week the incredible pollution and stink wore away some of the City’s initial charm, such as it is. But first I had to have my lunch with my…

  • Conversations at the Caffeine Theatre

    Jennifer Shook graduated from MAPH in 2005 and is currently doing work at Chicago’s Caffeine Theatre. She submits this post with the hopes of generating conversations with other (After)MAPHers after being inspired by her work with the theatre company. Caffeine and Translations–and Caffeine Theatre’s TRANSLATIONS The same week I started in MAPH, Caffeine Theatre premiered…

  • MAPH Alum Blogger Strikes Fame (or at least recognition)

    Joel Witmer, graduate of MAPH in 2007 spent many of his MAPH days like the rest of us, slaving at the Regenstein, reading and “unpacking” scholarly articles, trying to make some sort of argumentative claim…about anything, really. But, while the rest of us spent our free time at Jimmy’s, Joel was working furiously on his…

  • Journeys in the afterMAPH

    Adrian Hall graduated from MAPH in 2006 and worked for the program as a mentor the following year. Recently he has taken off on a journey across the globe and he has been kind enough to divulge us in his travel stories (through which we can all now live vicariously….). Keep an eye out for…

  • Teaching (Before and) After MAPH

    Among the many great teachers that have emerged from the ranks of MAPH, this post was submitted by former MAPHer and current teacher Conor O’Sullivan. Conor graduated from MAPH in 2007 and remains in the Chicago-area as a private school teacher. For the two years between finishing my undergraduate degree and starting MAPH, I taught…