The workshop will take place at the Franke Institute for the Humanities on May 19–20, 2017.
Friday, May 19
9:00–9:30 Coffee, tea and pastries
Session 1
Chair: Peter Lasersohn (Urbana-Champaign)
9:30–11:00 Invited Speaker, Elizabeth Coppock (Gothenburg): Outlook-based semantics
——————————30 minute break——————————
Session 2
Chair: Tamara Vardomskaya (Chicago)
11:30–12:15 Phil Crone (Stanford) and Deniz Rudin (UC Santa Cruz): Assessor-relativizable predicates
12:15–1:00 Rachel Rudolph (UC Berkeley): Subjective language without evaluation
————————60 minute lunch break————————
Session 3
Chair: Ryan Simonelli (Chicago)
2:00–2:45 Pranav Anand (UC Santa Cruz) and Natasha Korotkova (Tübingen): Acquaintance inferences and the grammar of directness
2:45–3:30 Patrick Munoz (Chicago): Deriving direct experience effects from adjectival lexical semantics
——————————30 minute break——————————
Session 4
Chair: Anubav Vasudevan (Chicago)
4:00–5:30 Invited Speaker, Daniel Lassiter (Stanford): Mathematical counterfactuals
Saturday, May 20
9:00–9:30 Coffee, tea and pastries
Session 5
Chair: Michael Glanzberg (Northwestern)
9:30–10:15 Invited Speaker, Anastasia Giannakidou (Chicago): On the weakness of MUST, and the strength of knowledge and belief
10:15–11:00 Invited Speaker, Alda Mari (CNRS, ENS, EHESS, PSL): Weak belief? Mood as the mediator between private credences and public commitments
——————————30 minute break——————————
Session 6
Chair: Ming Xiang (Chicago)
11:30–12:15 Matthew Mandelkern (MIT) and Jonathan Phillips (Harvard): Subjectivity in ‘force’: Topicalization, context-sensitivity, and morality
12:15–1:00 Carla Umbach (ZAS, Berlin): Some commonalities and differences between dimensional and aesthetic predicates
————————60 minute lunch break————————
Session 7
Chair: Fabrizio Cariani (Northwestern)
2:00–2:45 Justin Khoo (MIT) and Jonathan Philips (Harvard): Experimenting with modals
2:45–3:30 Elsi Kaiser (USC) and Jamie Herron Lee (USC): Experience matters: A psycholinguistic investigation of subjectivity in adjective interpretation
——————————30 minute break——————————
Session 8
Chair: Itamar Francez (Chicago)
4:00–5:30 Invited Speaker, Dilip Ninan (Tufts): Quantification and epistemic modality