Soprano Winifred Faix-Brown is globally respected and critically acclaimed. Throughout Europe and North, Central, and South America, she has touched audiences with her beautiful voice, striking stage presence, and unique depth of artistry. She will lead a masterclass with Vocal Studies Program students on Friday, November 16 at 12:30 PM in Fulton Recital Hall. Free admission.
Your musical career has spanned a great many roles: performer, conductor, stage director, pedagogue. In order to have accomplished so much, you must have an insatiable appetite for musical growth. Have you always had a wide-ranging musical interest?
Yes. I’ve always had a fascination with sound and how it is produced. I impersonated accents, inflections, even as a small child. The relationship between performer and audience has always been an obsession. I love the wide range of sounds the human voice can produce and what that means to the human race. I love how much fun sounds are, what about sound and singing in particular is healing or disturbing or arousing. Also singing is really fun and satisfying physically, mentally, and spiritually. Continue reading