Think “Gamelan” is a New iPhone App?

The University of Chicago Central Javanese Gamelan Ensemble, in partnership with Friends of the Gamelan (FROG), will be offering a new Intermediate Workshop in Javanese gamelan starting next Tuesday, November 30.

Are you a current ensemble member hoping to improve your technique on unfamiliar instruments? Are you a former performer who is interested in playing again but is unable to commit to weekly rehearsals and weekend workshops in preparing for the Spring concert? Are you a gamelan neophyte hoping to gain additional instruction before taking the plunge into joining (or rejoining) the performance ensemble? Then the intermediate workshop is perfect for you!

The intermediate workshop will meet weekly on Tuesday evenings at 6-7:15pm, prior to the performance ensemble (which will continue to meet 7:20-9pm). Co-led by ensemble members Andrew Mall and Brendan O’Toole, with additional instruction periodically provided by other ensemble members, the workshop is open to ANYONE with prior experience in Javanese gamelan (including our own beginning class, offered every Fall). Participating in the intermediate workshop does not preclude you from participating in the performance ensemble, you can do both!

We will focus on performance technique, instrument familiarity, learning basic song forms, and playing through songs to better learn repertoire. We will have time to patiently focus on instruction and education. This workshop will be more education-oriented and less performance-oriented than the ensemble, although we do plan to prepare two pieces for the Spring concert on May 1. The workshop is offered at no additional cost to anyone affiliated with the University of Chicago (faculty, staff, students, alumni).

You will have a chance to play bonang, balungan, and structural (colotomic) instruments; pending availability of guest instructors, we will also introduce you to kendang (drums) and additional elaborating instruments. Our goal is to focus on increasing your skills without the added pressure of preparing a significant amount of music for the Spring concert. While regular attendance is suggested, it is not required — you are welcome to drop in and out according to your own availability.

Graduate Music students: regular participation in either the intermediate workshop or the performance ensemble and performance in the Spring concert may satisfy a practicum requirement; please check with Prof. Melvin Butler, Director of Graduate Studies, to confirm the details.

Undergrad Music majors: regular participation in either the intermediate workshop or the performance ensemble and performance in the Spring concert may satisfy your ensemble requirement; please check with Prof. Steven Rings, Director of Undergraduate Studies, to confirm the details.

Our first session will be next Tuesday, November 30, from 6 – 7:15pm. We will take a break over the holidays, and we will not meet on Dec. 21 or 28. For more information, and to reserve a slot in the Javanese gamelan intermediate workshop, please email Andrew Mall at