Fulton Storage Room Gets a Makeover (photos)

Over the winter break, Fulton Recital Hall was covered in dust, its fire orange chairs all askew, and the contents of its storage room displaced. The cause: updating the dilapidated storage area, which had over the years become a repository of poorly organized musical things and play haven of dust bunnies.

Who would take on such a daunting task? Director of Performance Programs, Barbara Schubert, who oversaw the project with the enthusiasm befitting a fearless leader. Consulting her team on cosmetic aspects from tile colors to wood grain, Maestra Schubert exclaimed, “It’s done! Want to see it?” one bright morning in 2012. While finishing touches are still making their way into the room, the floors have been waxed and the re-shelving has begun. (Photos below)

Like an old phoenix, the Fulton Recital Hall storage room has emerged from the ash of old, beautiful and of course functional. The area is home to thousands of manuscripts, audio/visual equipment, a number of instruments including Chinese gong and tubular bells, as well as chairs and stands for the Halls many performances, rehearsals, and lectures. Ogle if you must. We know you want to.

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