Rockefeller Chapel Choir • James Kallembach, Director
The Chapel Choir and its professional subset, the Decani, sing at Sunday services and festivals throughout the academic year, as well as in Rockefeller’s signature Quire & Place concert series, which presents major works from the entire historical canon, lesser-known gems, and the premières of new work by distinguished composers. The choir’s members come from diverse spiritual and cultural backgrounds, sharing the rich musical experience of singing an array of choral music in the unique religious and cultural contexts of a magnificent Chapel to which students of all world traditions are drawn.
2017-2018 Concert Dates:
- Sunday, December 3, Rockefeller Chapel: Handel’s Messiah
- Sunday, March 25, Rockefeller Chapel: Quire & Place
- Saturday, June 2, Rockefeller Chapel
- Thursdays, 7:00-9:30 p.m., Rockefeller Chapel