Updated website. It’s ALIVE!

A Word from the Chair, Martha Feldman,
Mabel Greene Myers Professor of Music and the Humanities:

I’m pleased to announce the launching of a new website at music.uchicago.edu.  You will be hearing further about this from our webmaster and IT Greg Gabrellas, who has worked with persistence and intelligence to make this happen.  Thanks also to the website committee Melvin Butler, Berthold Hoeckner, Barbara Schubert, and Larry Zbikowski, as well as numerous others for their input, including James Hillis, Rashida Black, Claire Snarski, and various faculty members.

I hope you’ll find the new site to be a dynamic place that keeps you up to date on all the department’s happenings.  New aspects of the site include rotating features that highlight news, departmental achievements, and upcoming performances; a news feed; a new calendar; and the capacity for departmental audio and video postings.

The website committee will meet occasionally through the rest of this academic year to discuss further enhancements and improvements to better serve our Department’s needs. If you have any suggestions, please contact Greg at gregg@uchicago.edu.