Nervous? Being well-prepared builds a solid foundation.
Has this ever happened to you? In the practice room, you’re the master of your craft! God(dess) of your instrument. No one ever has or ever will perform this piece like you. Ever. With that confidence, you strut out of the practice room and onto the stage. People are quietly staring at you. Judges are waiting with writing utensils in hand to scratch tick marks on paper every time you make a mistake. You never noticed how sweaty your palms could be. You barely remember your name let alone 10 minutes of music! What’s happening??
Nervousness often reveals weakness that may threaten an otherwise solid performance. Practice or pre-performances expose many weaknesses and help to uncover places in the music that may need more work. “It is strongly urged that the music be performed from memory in a home concert or formal recital situation at least three times, before it is performed at competitions; the more performances in front of an audience prior to the actual contest date, the more opportunity is available to get the bugs worked out, and to work on overcoming stage fright and performance anxiety. The old adage in the music world, that of getting better by doing it more often, is true.” (Piano Education) Consider practice performances as the pop quiz before the exam! But finding those opportunities may be difficult. (Your cat, although rapt for a few moments, does not count. Sorry.)
Fortunately for three students in Svetlana Belsky’s piano studio, the possibility to test their mettle before the main event is a reality. In preparation for the upcoming Concerto Competition, these students will perform in Gottlieb Hall at Merit School of Music from 5:15 to 6:00 PM. Their program will consist of Beethoven, Brahms, and Shostakovich concertos (selected movements), respectively. Admission is free, well-wishes priceless.
Cheer on three brave students as they prepare for this year’s biennial Concerto Competition.
Wednesday, February 22 at 5:15 PM
Merit School of Music
Joy Faith Knapp Music Center
38 S. Peoria Street (map)