MEME: Classical & Folk Music of Turkey

On Sunday, March 13, 6 PM at International House Assembly Hall, the Middle East Music Ensemble and distinguished guests will perform a selection of Turkish songs and instrumental pieces from a wide variety of traditions, regions, and eras, ranging from folk music of the black sea to the classical music once performed in Ottoman courts.  Sponsored by the University of Chicago Department of Music, International House Global Voices Series, and the University of Chicago Center for Middle Eastern Studies. The concert is child friendly.

“Like Turkish classical music and Arab music styles, Turkish folk music uses scales that have microtones. Most scales are heptatonic, meaning they have seven notes, but generally four notes are dominant. For example, the kerem scale uses the following four notes: A B* C D. (The asterisk indicates that the pitch is found between B and C.)” — McGraw-Hill: Turkish Folk Music

Find out what pitches reside between B and C at the wildly popular and uplifting Middle East Music Ensemble performance on Sunday.