Category: Further Reading

  • Further reading on Hegel and Kant

    If you’d like to read more about Hegel’s repsonse to Kantian ethics, you might take a look at the following two books by our distinguished guest: Sally Sedgwick, Hegel’s Critique of Kant Sally Sedgwick, Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: An Introduction

  • Further reading on oughts

    If you’re interested in learning more about our distinguished guest’s proposed analysis of ‘ought,’ check out the following two papers: Fabrizio Cariani, ‘Epistemic and Deontic Should‘ Fabrizio Cariani, ‘Deontic Modals and Probabilities: One Theory to Rule Them All?‘ Matt Teichman

  • Further reading on reproductive risk

    If you’d like read more about some of the issues we discussed with Rebecca Kukla, take a look at these two articles: ‘Measuring Mothering,’ Rebecca Kukla ‘The ethics and cultural politics of reproductive risk warnings: A case study of California’s Proposition 65,’ Rebecca Kukla Matt Teichman

  • Further reading on vagueness

    If you’d like to poke through some of the details of Shapiro’s theory, take a look at this article from a collection called Heaps and Liars: ‘Vagueness and Conversation,’ Stewart Shapiro Matt Teichman

  • Further reading on virtue ethics

    If that last episode whetted your appetite for virtue ethics (it certainly whetted mine), Julia Annas recommends the following references: Intelligent Virtue, Julia Annas On Virtue Ethics, Rosalind Hursthouse Virtue Ethics: A Pluralistic View, Christine Swanton A Theory of Virtue, Robert Merrihew Adams Enjoy! Matt Teichman

  • Further reading on corporate rights and responsibilities

    If you’re interested to learn more about Philip Pettit’s views on corporate rights and responsibilities, take a look at this 2007 paper: Philip Pettit, ‘Responsibility Incorporated‘ Matt Teichman

  • Further reading on paradoxes of consistency

    To see Branden Fitelson’s notion of coherence spelled out in full detail, you can read the following two papers: Branden Fitelson and Kenny Easwaran, “Accuracy, Coherence, and Evidence.” Branden Fitelson, Rachel Briggs, Fabrizio Cariani, and Kenny Easwaran, “Individual Coherence and Group Coherence.” For an interesting extension of that framework to cover cases where a person…

  • Further reading on Frege and logicism

    Interested in following up on our discussion with Patricia Blanchette? Take a look at the following material on the debate between Gottlob Frege and David Hilbert: ‘The Frege-Hilbert Controversy,’ Patricia Blanchette ‘Frege and Hilbert on Consistency,’ Patricia Blanchette If you’re curious to take a look at what Frege wrote about the logicist project, his Foundations…

  • Further reading on Wittgenstein and formal semantics

    For those of you interested in following up on our previous episode, Martin Stokhof has a number of papers on the topics we discussed. On Wittgenstein and formal semantics, you can check out: ‘The Architecture of Meaning: Wittgenstein’s Tractatus and Formal Semantics,’ Martin Stokhof ‘Formal Semantics and Wittgenstein: An Alternative,’ Martin Stokhof On the distinction…

  • Background reading on inquisitive semantics

    If you’d like to take a look how the inquisitive semantic framework is set up, this is an up-to-date overview: Ciardelli, Groenendijk, and Roelofsen, ‘Inquisitive Semantics: a New Notion of Meaning‘ And if you’d like to examine the framework in a little more detail, this paper will probably answer all of your burning questions: Ciardelli,…