Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Merchant talks

    Jason Merchant has given several invited talks this fall, beginning in September and just wrapping up last week: Context and ellipsis. Invited colloquium talk. University College London. 11 November 2009. What price ellipsis? Invited talk. Workshop on ellipsis. Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussels, Belgium. 9-10 November 2009. Context and types of ambiguity. Invited talk. Interdisciplinary symposium “Dimensions of…

  • Autumn 2009 colloquia

    On October 8, our 2009-2010 Colloquium Series kicked off with a fascinating talk by Johanna Nichols (UC Berkeley) on lexical type-shift from Proto-IE to Proto-Slavic. Today, the fall series continues with a talk by Maria Polinsky (Harvard), who will be speaking on “Ergativity, Again” (abstract here).  Join us at 3:30 in Cobb 201, to be followed…

  • U of C representin’ at LSA

    At long last—the (ostensibly) comprehensive list of U. Chicago representation presenting at LSA 2010: Max Bane: “A Combinatoric Model of Variation in the English Dative Alternation” Matthew Carlson, Colleen Balukas, Chip Gerfen (Psychology): “Suffix productivity and stem allomorph markedness in Spanish derivations with alternating diphthongs” Andrew Dombrowski (Slavic & Linguistics): “Vowel Harmony Loss in West Rumelian Turkish” James Kirby: “The role…

  • ICGL comes to Chicago

    For the first time in its nine-year history, the annual meeting of the International Conference on Greek Linguistics will be hosted stateside, and the University of Chicago Department of Linguistics is proud to be the first American host for this important gathering! The conference will take place on campus in the International House (on 59th…

  • Busy months ahead for Chicago linguists

    More fun stuff to report: Second-year student Rebekah Baglini presented her paper “Modeling Variation and Change in Raddoppiamento Sintattico” at the Fifteenth Mid-Continental Workshop on Phonology (McWOP) at Indiana University last Sunday, October 11. Alice Lemieux‘s paper “Small but significant: Body part incorporation in Washo” has been accepted for presentation at the 15th Workshop on Structure and…

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