Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Chicagoans at Penn Linguistics Colloquium

    Autumn quarter’s sociophonetics seminar has proven fruitful—the experiment designed by the class has been accepted to the Penn Linguistics Colloquium (PLC 34)!  The eight co-authors include Alan Yu, Carissa Abrego-Collier, Rebekah Baglini, Tommy Grano, Martina Martinovic, Charles Otte III (NELC/Ling), Julia Thomas, and Jasmin Urban. The paper, entitled “Mediating factors in phonetic imitation: Perceived sexual orientation,” will…

  • Super conference acceptances

    Fourth-year Nassira Nicola recently learned some exciting news: the acceptance of her submission to the Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR 10) in October at Purdue University.  She’ll be presenting her paper, “Re-Analyzing Plural Classifier Predicates in American Sign Language.” Congrats, Nassira! Third-year grad Ryan Bochnak also has a poster acceptance to a big conference, this…

  • Reminder about colloquium

    Due to job talks this month, the 2009-2010 colloquium series has had a delayed winter-quarter start. For all those waiting in eager anticipation, colloquia will finally resume next week, Thursday, February 25, with a talk by UChicago’s Katherine Kinzler (Psychology). More on her lab’s research can be found here. As usual, we’ll begin at 3:30…

  • Some recent Canada conferences

    Alan Yu gave two invited lectures in Canada this past couple weeks. The first lecture, “Washo Word Prosody”, was presented at the Workshop on Structure and Constituency in the Languages of the Americas (WSCLA 15) at the University of Ottawa in Ontario. He then presented “When does perceptual compensation fail? The implications of analyzing channel bias rationally” at…

  • Dr. Sawada!

    Hearty congratulations to Osamu Sawada, who successfully defended his dissertation, ‘Pragmatic Aspects of Scalar Modifiers,’ this morning.  Well done!

Got any book recommendations?