Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Chicagoans at NWAV 40

    Several Chicagoans presented at NWAV 40 at Georgetown University, Oct 27-31. Kathryn Campbell-Kibler (BA/MA ’98) and Abby Walker: Vocalic accommodation in a cross dialectal shadowing task Kathryn Campbell-Kibler (BA/MA ’98): Measuring implicit dialect awareness using the IAT Salikoko Mufwene: The Emergence of Complexity in Language: An Evolutionary Perspective Morgan Sonderegger, Andrea Beltrama, Tasos Chatzikonstantinou, Erin…

  • Update from Victor Friedman

    “I just got back from giving a keynote address on Southeast Europe and Southeast Asia as linguistic areas at the meeting of the International Congress of Slavists’ Balkan Commission in Iasi.  While I was in the Balkans, I also stopped in Lerin (Greek Florina) to participate in the book launch of the first Modern Macedonian-Modern…

  • Giannakidou in Korea

    Anastasia Giannakidou gave two talks at Seoul National University titled “Referential vagueness and negative polarity: evidence from Greek and Korean” and “Wh-interminates and free choice: the view from Korean.” She also jointly presented a talk with Suwon Yoon (PhD 2011) and Marcel den Dikken (CUNY) on “On the distribution of NPIs in clausal comparatives” at…

  • Straughn defended dissertation!

    Chris Straughn successfully defended his dissertation “Evidentiality in Uzbek and Kazakh”  on October 25. His committee consists of Victor Friedman (chair), Lenore Grenoble, and Kagan Arik. Way to go, Chris!

  • Portland here we come!

    An unprecedentedly large contingent of Chicagoans will be heading to the annual meeting of the LSA and SSILA (*) in Portland next January: Peter Alrenga, Chris Kennedy, and Jason Merchant: Standard of Comparison/Scope of Comparison Andrea Beltrama and Ming Xiang: How beautiful is a pretty girl? Scalar implicatures and context effects with gradable adjectives Ryan…

Got any book recommendations?