Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The new cohort of 2013

    2012 has come and gone and with nary an apocalypse in sight, we have the opportunity instead to extend a warm welcome to a new incoming cohort to the department — the department lounge has never seemed as full (and in need of better ventilation). Here’s a quick rundown of this year’s new cast of…

  • Bochnak defended dissertation

    Congratulation to Ryan Bochnak, who has successfully defensed his dissertation, titled “Cross-linguistic variation in the semantics of comparatives” today! Great job, Ryan! The chair of his dissertation committee is Chris Kennedy.

  • Klecha in Journal of Semantics

    Peter Klecha’s squib, titled  “Diagnosing modality in predictive expressions,” has been accepted for publication in Journal of Semantics! Congrats, Peet!

  • Rajesh Bhatt Installed as First Linguistics Guru

    Rajesh Bhatt from UMass will be visiting the department from May 12 to May 21 as our first linguistics guru. He will be hanging out in Anastasia’s office (Classics 314E). Please stop by to say hi! If you want to meet with him to discuss your research, please e-mail him <bhatt<AT>linguist.umass.edu> directly to schedule an…

  • Cisneros and Singerman awarded the Tinker Field Research Grant

    Carlos Cisneros and Adam Singerman have both been awarded the Center for Latin American Studies 2013 Tinker Field Research Grant. Carlos will be heading to Panama to conduct fieldwork on the Bocotá (Chibchan) language, while Adam will be going to the Brazilian Amazon to conduct fieldwork there! Congratulations!

Got any book recommendations?