Category: students

  • Guo awarded the Bloomfield prize

    Congratulations to Shu-yu Guo, who is the recipient of this year’s annual Leonard Bloomfield prize (for the graduating linguistics major with the highest grade point average in courses towards the major: his grade point average in linguistics was 3.98)!

  • Debenport awarded AAUW fellowship

    Erin Debenport has been awarded an American fellowship from the AAUW Educational Foundation for 2008-09. Congratulations, Erin!

  • Next year’s cohort announced!

    A cohort of six students will be joining our department next year: Carissa Abrego Rebekah Baglini Jon Keane Tim Grinsell Martina Martinovic Julia Thomas Thanks to all who helped out with recruitment.

  • Osamu Sawada in Paris!

    Osamu Sawada, who was an alternate at the Vagueness and Language Use conference (where Chris Kennedy was an invited speaker), was able to present his paper “Vagueness and Adverbial Polarity Items”. Based on reports from our spies in Paris, Osamu gave an excellent presentation, which stimulated a lot of questions that he handled thoughtfully and…

  • LaTex packages for Cascadilla proceedings

    Max Bane recently went through the odyssey of typesetting a paper for WCCFL 26 in LaTeX. WCCFL, along with a number of other conferences, publishes its proceedings through the Cascadilla Proceedings Project, which unfortunately provides no LaTeX package for authors to implement its style sheet. Some of the requirements were sufficiently tricky to implement (particularly…