Category: students

  • Bochnak awarded the Hanna Holborn Gray Fellowship

    Ryan Bochnak was awarded the Hanna Holborn Gray Fellowship, which is a fellowship funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and is “designated to support the very best graduate students in the second half of their graduate program at the University”. Way to go, Ryan!

  • Staraki and Straughn awarded dissertation-year fellowships

    Eleni Staraki has been awarded a Mellon Dissertation Fellowship and Chris Straughn is receiving the Whiting Fellowship. Congratulations, Eleni and Chris!

  • Paz dissertation defense

    Alejandro I. Paz (joint Anthro/Ling) will be defending his dissertation next Thursday, April 29 at 12:30 p.m. in Haskell 101. Alejandro’s dissertation is entitled “Discursive Transformation: The Emergence of Ethnolinguistic Identity Among Latin American Labor Migrants and Their Children In Israel” (abstract available in Haskell 119). Of course, attendance is open to faculty and students. Best…

  • Illinois Speech Day

    Some readers may want to mark their respective calendars: Illinois Speech Day, a daylong meeting consisting of presentations and discussion on the theme of computational models of speech, will be happening in just a few weeks. Moreover, it’s happening a convenient two blocks or so away from campus, and is correspondingly full of U of C…

  • Conferences for Grinsell

    Second-year grad student Tim Grinsell will be presenting at Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL 19) at the University of Maryland this weekend. His talk will be on “Lithuanian modal comparatives: implications for the syntax and semantics of comparison in Slavic” (abstract here). You’ll also catch Tim at this year’s Semantics and Philosophy in Europe (SPE3)…