Category Archives: publications

Publication congratulations . . .

. . . are due to two fourth-year Ph.D. students, Osamu Sawada and Jackie Bunting!

Osamu’s manuscript “Pragmatic aspects of implicit comparison: An economy-based approach” was accepted for publication in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Pragmatics.  As department chair Chris Kennedy has expressed, “This is a very impressive achievement indeed — well done, Osamu!”

Meanwhile, Jackie’s manuscript, “‘Give’ and take: How dative gi contributed to the decline of detransitive taki,” has been accepted for publication into the Journal of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics. Nice work!

Ph.D. candidate getting published in SLA journal

Alejandro Paz, Ph.D. candidate for the joint degree in Anthropology and Linguistics, has won the annual prize given by the Society for Linguistic Anthropology for a graduate student paper. “The Circulation of Chisme and Rumor: Gossip, Evidentiality and Authority in the Perspective of Latino Labor Migrants in Israel”  will appear in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Linguistic Anthropology.

A job well done for Alejandro! His paper will also be presented at the upcoming American Anthropological Society meeting.

Mufwene wraps up a prolific year

Salikoko Mufwene recently returned from a short trip to Paris, where he gave the keynote address at the CNRS-LACITO Workshop on Ecology and Language Evolution. His October 23 talk, “Humans as the ecology of language(s),” is the latest in a series of over a dozen papers presented by Salikoko in 2008.

In addition, several of his articles entitled “Creoles,” “Pidgins,” “Koinés,” and “Lingua Franca,” plus several other shorter ones on specific creoles and pidgins, were recently published in Encyclopedia Britannica Online, wrapping up a year of several such publications on topics related to language evolution and creole-related phenomena.