Category: faculty

  • Chris Kennedy at the Chicago Humanities Festival

    Chris Kennedy will be an expert panelist in a post-performance panel discussion of two short plays, written by Don DeLillo and Tanya Saracho, and staged as part of this year’s Chicago Humanities Festival. The topic of the Festival this year is ‘The Climate of Concern’, and all of the events take on the issue of…

  • LSA and SSILA acceptances

    A huge number of University of Chicago linguists will be presenting at the LSA and SSILA meetings on January 3-6, 2008. Presenters at the LSA include: Nikki Adams Lobke Aelbrecht (visiting grad student during winter quarter) Maximilian Bane Jacqueline Bunting Amy Franklin Victor Friedman Anastasia Giannakidou Susan Goldin-Meadow James Kirby Yaron McNabb Jason Riggle Osamu…

  • Chris Kennedy celebrated his 40th birthday in Paris!

    Chris Kennedy turned 40 on October 3. He celebrated his birthday in Paris, where he was an invited speaker for the 2007 Colloque de Syntaxe et Sémantique à Paris. Before Paris, he gave talks at the International Conference on Adjectives in Lille, and at the Workshop on Measurability in Tromsø. Happy birthday, Chris!

  • Merchant and Boyle to present at the Mid-America Linguistics Conference

    Jason Merchant and recent alum John Boyle will be presenting at the 2007 Mid-America Linguistics Conference to be held on October 26-28 at the University of Kansas. Jason will talk about “Spurious coordination in Vlach multiple wh-fronting” and John will present ”The Hidatsa mood markers revisited”.

  • New members of the department

    We welcome many new faces in the department this Autumn. Lenore Grenble, Edward Sapir Professor of Linguistics and Slavic languages, has joined us from Dartmouth. She specializes in Slavic, Tungusic and languages of the North, discourse and conversation analysis, deixis, contact linguistics and language endangerment and revitalization. She is teaching Introduction to Slavic Linguistics this…