Category: faculty

  • Yu promoted!

    Congratulations to Alan Yu on his promotion to Associate Professor with tenure!

  • Sadock-fest this weekend!

    In honor of Jerry Sadock‘s retirement, the Pragmatics, Grammatical Interfaces, and Jerry Sadock conference will take place on May 2 & 3 on the 2dn floor of Cobb. Please come and join us to celebrate this momentous occasion!

  • John Goldsmith at Konstanz

    John Goldsmith gave an invited presentation at a workshop entitled “Discovering and representing phonological patterns” at the University of Konstanz (10-12 April). The title of his talk was: “Optimization is the answer. Now, what is the question?”

  • Alan Yu at ACTL

    Alan Yu is giving a series of lectures on phonological typology and sound change at the ACTL (Advanced Core Training in Linguistics) in London during the week of April 21-25.

  • A busy Winter quarter for Sali!

    Salikoko Mufwene has been busy this past winter! He gave keynote addresses at the following recent conferences: 2008a. “From genetic creolistics to genetic linguistics: Lessons we should not miss!” 34th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society, February 7-10. 2008b. “Emergence or creation? Rethinking the formation of Afro-American vernaculars and musics.” Conference on Black Music…