Category: conferences

  • Baglini at GLOW

    Rebekah Baglini and Michael Erlewine (BA, MA, 2007) will present at the 35th GLOW Colloquium to be held on March 28-30, 2012, at the University of Potsdam. Rebekah Baglini: Reduced clausal structure in comparatives: Evidence from Wolof Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine: Association with traces and thecopy theory of movement

  • Chicago Linguists at BLS 38

    On Feb 11-12, several U of C linguists will be presenting at BLS 38: Rebekah Baglini: Reduced clausal structure in comparatives: evidence from Wolof Andrew Dombrowski: Multiple relative marking in 19th century West Rumelian Turkish Matthew Faytak (BA, 2011): Logical sonority scales and turbulence in fricative-vowel languages Jackson Lee: The representation of contour tones in…

  • Chicagoans at NWAV 40

    Several Chicagoans presented at NWAV 40 at Georgetown University, Oct 27-31. Kathryn Campbell-Kibler (BA/MA ’98) and Abby Walker: Vocalic accommodation in a cross dialectal shadowing task Kathryn Campbell-Kibler (BA/MA ’98): Measuring implicit dialect awareness using the IAT Salikoko Mufwene: The Emergence of Complexity in Language: An Evolutionary Perspective Morgan Sonderegger, Andrea Beltrama, Tasos Chatzikonstantinou, Erin…

  • Giannakidou in Korea

    Anastasia Giannakidou gave two talks at Seoul National University titled “Referential vagueness and negative polarity: evidence from Greek and Korean” and “Wh-interminates and free choice: the view from Korean.” She also jointly presented a talk with Suwon Yoon (PhD 2011) and Marcel den Dikken (CUNY) on “On the distribution of NPIs in clausal comparatives” at…

  • Portland here we come!

    An unprecedentedly large contingent of Chicagoans will be heading to the annual meeting of the LSA and SSILA (*) in Portland next January: Peter Alrenga, Chris Kennedy, and Jason Merchant: Standard of Comparison/Scope of Comparison Andrea Beltrama and Ming Xiang: How beautiful is a pretty girl? Scalar implicatures and context effects with gradable adjectives Ryan…