Category: conferences

  • CFP: 2008 LSA Summer Meeting

    2008 LSA Summer Meeting for Graduate and Undergraduate Students Language as Interface The Ohio State University, July 10-13, 2008 Abstracts for paper or poster presentations must be submitted by Tuesday, March 18th, 2008 at . Abstract review and notifications of acceptance will be done by April 30 at the latest. Registration for the LSA…

  • Kennedy at SALT 18

    The program for this year’s SALT has now been posted. Chris Kenndey will be presenting “What an ‘average’ semantics needs” with Jason Stanley from Rutgers.

  • Chicagoans at LabPhon 11

    A bunch of Chicago linguists will be heading to New Zealand this summer for LabPhon 11, hosted by the Victoria University of Wellington. The presentations include… James Kirby and Alan Yu: Morphological paradigm effects on vowel articulation. Partha Niyogi and Morgan Sonderegger: What determines the stability of variation? A dynamical systems study of a stress…

  • Symposium on Phonologization schedule posted

    The schedule of the Symposium on Phonologization is now available at The symposium will take place on April 25-26 at the Franke Institute for the Humanities.

  • CFP: The 2nd Biannual Summer Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America

    The 2nd Biannual Summer Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America will take place at The Ohio State University, Thursday, 10 July – Sunday, 13 July 2008. The meeting is directed specifically at undergraduate and graduate students in Linguistics, and has the following goals: – To provide a supportive setting for students to present their…