Category: conferences

  • CLS 44 a great success!

    CLS 44 was a great success this year. The CLS officers did an excellent job putting together a wonderful program and a smoothly run conference. Bravo!

  • Phonologization symposium on April 25-26

    The Phonologization symposium will take place on April 25-26 at the Franke Institute of the Humanities. Everyone is invited. For details, please visit

  • CLS 44 next week!

    It’s that time of the year again! CLS will take place on April 24-26 (the same weekend as the Phonologization symposium). For more details, visit

  • Chris Kennedy in Paris this April

    Chris Kennedy will be a keynote speaker at the Vagueness and Language Use conference at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. He will talk about “Vagueness and Comparison“.

  • Amy Dahlstrom on the Importance of Meskwaki

    Amy Dahlstrom is an invited speaker at the Meskwaki symposium this Saturday. She will be talking about “The Importance of Language and the Importance of Meskwai”.