Category: conferences

  • Conferences for Grinsell

    Second-year grad student Tim Grinsell will be presenting at Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL 19) at the University of Maryland this weekend. His talk will be on “Lithuanian modal comparatives: implications for the syntax and semantics of comparison in Slavic” (abstract here). You’ll also catch Tim at this year’s Semantics and Philosophy in Europe (SPE3)…

  • CLS 46 is underway

    The 46th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society begins TODAY and runs through Saturday evening (culminating in our world-renowed CLS banquet). A full program can be found here. U. Chicago participants include two invited speakers, the illustrious John Goldsmith (Main Session) and Jason Riggle (Probabilistic Theories of Grammar), as well as the following presenters: Eleni…

  • Alan Yu invited to Purdue

    Alan Yu will be the invited speaker at the Purdue Linguistics Association Student Symposium 2010, held next weekend on at Purdue. The special session for this year’s symposium will focus on language diversity, and in addition to the Saturday paper sessions, there will also be workshops on Friday. Alan will be speaking Saturday on language diversity.

  • Kuzmack going to GRAMIS

    Stefanie Kuzmack‘s abstract, “Written language as a factor in language change,” has been accepted for the International Conference on Grammaticalization and (Inter)Subjectification (GramiS), to be held in Brussels this November. Congrats, Stefie!

  • Chicagoans at Penn Linguistics Colloquium

    Autumn quarter’s sociophonetics seminar has proven fruitful—the experiment designed by the class has been accepted to the Penn Linguistics Colloquium (PLC 34)!  The eight co-authors include Alan Yu, Carissa Abrego-Collier, Rebekah Baglini, Tommy Grano, Martina Martinovic, Charles Otte III (NELC/Ling), Julia Thomas, and Jasmin Urban. The paper, entitled “Mediating factors in phonetic imitation: Perceived sexual orientation,” will…