Category Archives: classes

Chicagoans at Penn Linguistics Colloquium

Autumn quarter’s sociophonetics seminar has proven fruitful—the experiment designed by the class has been accepted to the Penn Linguistics Colloquium (PLC 34)!  The eight co-authors include Alan Yu, Carissa Abrego-CollierRebekah BagliniTommy Grano, Martina Martinovic, Charles Otte III (NELC/Ling), Julia Thomas, and Jasmin Urban.

The paper, entitled “Mediating factors in phonetic imitation: Perceived sexual orientation,” will be presented Saturday, March 20.

Continuing Chicago’s efforts to invade Penn, Chris Kennedy also happens to be the invited plenary speaker at PLC this year. The title of his talk is “The Composition of Incremental Change” (abstract here).

First tea of the year today!

BLING welcomes back all members of the department, new and old!  We trust your summers were both productive and enjoyable (yes, it can happen).

Today, Thursday, marks our first tea of the new academic year.  Hosted by CLS46, it starts at 4 p.m. and will be held in the linguistics lounge on the 3rd floor of Classics as usual. Come chat, eat, drink, and merrily meet the new students.

(And, watch for the first colloquium of the year on October 8.)

Sociolinguistics Fest in June at Indiana University

Indiana University will host the Sociolinguistics Fest during the week of June 9th. During the week there will be a set of minicourses on the topic of Language, Gender, Identity, Variation and Ideology given by Mary Bucholtz, Scott Kiesling, Dennis Preston, Sali Tagliaomonte and Susan Herring/John Paolillo followed by a one day conference. Details on registration and other logistical information are given on their website.


Introduction to Balochi
SALC 27001, 37001 or LGLN 25800, 35800
TuTh 1:30 – 2:50

Instructor: Elena Bashir

This course will be a combination of a “structure of a language” course and a beginning language course. It is intended as an orientation to Balochi, a Western Iranian language spoken in several dialects in Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan and marginally in Turkmenistan. There is no prerequisite, and both undergraduate and graduate students of South Asian languages, anthropology, or linguistics are the anticipated audience. The aim of this course is to prepare a student who completes it to continue successfully with independent study. The basic textbook used will be M.A.R. Barker’s A Course in Balochi, the pace and detailed focus of the course depending on the prior knowledge of the students enrolled.