U of C representin’ at LSA

At long last—the (ostensibly) comprehensive list of U. Chicago representation presenting at LSA 2010:

Max Bane: “A Combinatoric Model of Variation in the English Dative Alternation”

Matthew Carlson, Colleen Balukas, Chip Gerfen (Psychology): “Suffix productivity and stem allomorph markedness in Spanish derivations with alternating diphthongs”

Andrew Dombrowski (Slavic & Linguistics): “Vowel Harmony Loss in West Rumelian Turkish”

James Kirby: “The role of probabilistic enhancement in phonologization”

Peter Klecha: “Context Dependence in English Futures”

Yaron McNabb: “Apparent Pharyngealization in French Loanwords in Moroccan Arabic”

Jason Riggle and Max Bane: “Choosing the right constraints (and the right theory of how they interact)”

Osamu Sawada: “The multidimensionality of the Japanese minimizers sukoshi/chotto ‘a little’”

Morgan Sonderegger and Partha Niyogi (Computer Science): “Combining data and mathematical models to study change: An application to an English stress shift”

Chris Straughn: “Grammaticalization without Grammaticalization: The Case of Uzbek Complementation” (poster)

Additionally, Jerry Sadock will be commenting on the talk by Alana Johns at the SSILA symposium on derivational morphology, while Lenore Grenoble (Slavic) co-organized a session with Doug Whalen on findings from targeted work on endangered languages. The session will lead off with their talk, “Leveraging small grants for maximum linguistic discovery: The Endangered Language Fund experience,” on Sunday morning.

Finally, Nassira Nicola‘s organized session, entitled “Interdisciplinarity and Current Trends in Undergraduate Linguistics Education,” was also accepted to the LSA. Very exciting!

Congrats to all of you, and enjoy Baltimore in January!