Friedman: here, there, everywhere

While in Macedonia this year on Fulbright-Hays and Guggenheim grants, Slavic linguistics professor Victor Friedman has still managed to faithfully update us on his prolific activities abroad. Here’s what he’s been doing:

Recently published articles:

  • “Turkish Presents in Romani Dialects.”  Turcological Letters to Bernt Brendemoen (Festschrift), ed. by É. Csató & al. Oslo: Insitute for Comparative research in Human Culture. 2009. 109-121.
  • “On the origin of final -e in the plural of the verbal l-form in Macedonian: Possible Contact Influences.”  Juzhnoslovenski filolog, Vol. 64, 2008, 531-534.
  • “Determination and Doubling in Balkan Borderlands,” Harvard Ukrainian Studies, Vol 28, 2006, 117-130. [published 2009]

Recent talks given:

  • “Multilingualsim in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia-Current Perspectives on the Past, Present, and Future,” Institute for Slavic Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin, 9 February 2009.
  • “Language Politics and Language Policies in the Western Balkans: Infinitives, Turkisms and Eurology,” Kennedy Institute – Free University of Berlin, 11 February 2009.
  • “On Defining the Sprachbund: Areal vs. Typological Linguistics in the Balkans and Europe,” University of Potsdam, 12 February 2009.
  • “Bucephalos as Trojan Horse:  Competing Discourses of Autochthony in the Republic of Macedonia,”  Institute for Southeast European Studies, Free University of Berlin, 13 February 2009.
  • “Dialectology, Typology, and Areal Linguistics,” Linguistics Department, University of Manchester, 24 February 2009.
  • “Makedonski kako slovenski i balkanski jazik [Macedonian as a Slavic and as a Balkan language],” opening lecture for post-graduate students in Macedonian Studies, University Sts. Cyril amd Methodius of Skopje, 28 February 2009.
  • “Makedonija i Evropa od lingvistichka gledna tochak (Macedonian:  Macedonia and Europe from the viewpoint of linguistics).” Public lecture sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Philological Faculty, Sts. Cyril and Methodius, University of Skopje, 13 March 2009.