Chicago semanticists in Europe

Chicago semanticists were busy making a name for themselves this summer!

Many were in Utrecht for Sinn und Bedeutung:

  • Rebekah Baglini: The scalar source of stative passives
  • Tim Grinsell: The imperfective imperative
  • Peter Klecha: Positive and conditional semantics for gradable modals
  • Yusuke Kubota (Post-doc 2010-11, now at University of Tokyo): Scale compatibility and scale composition: An analysis of manner of motion verbs in Japanese
  • Yaron McNabb: Some degree modifiers are standard fixers and context manipulators in one: an experimental investigation of “very”

Yaron McNabb was also the discussant at the Workshop on degree semantics and its interfaces, a satellite event of Sinn und Bedeutung.

Several were in Paris for the 9th Syntax and Semantics Conference (CSSP 2011):

  • Thomas Grano (U Chicago) Exhaustive control is not control: Cinque’s IP and the raising/ control divide
  • Thomas Grano & Chris Kennedy (U Chicago) Severing the degree argument from the adjective: Evidence from Mandarin transitive comparatives
  • Yusuke Kubota (U Tokyo) & Robert Levine (Ohio State) Against ellipsis: Arguments for the direct licensing of ‘non-canonical’ coordinations
  • Yusuke Kubota (U Tokyo) Revisiting the progressive/ perfect ambiguity of -te iru in Japanese: A scale-based analysis