Welcome, Ming Xiang

Meet our newest faculty member, Assistant Professor Ming Xiang. Dr. Xiang was born and raised in China, Hubei Province, on the southern bank of Yangtzi River. She is broadly interested in the relationship between language and cognition. Her recent work focuses on syntax and semantics processing at the sentence level.

She is currently setting up a Language Processing Lab at the Karen Landahl Center, which will be equipped with an EEG (Electroencephalography) system and an eyetracker. Before joining us at UChicago, she was an Assistant Prof. in the Linguistics Department in Victoria, Vancouver Island. She has also done post-doc research at U. of Maryland and Harvard University. When she is not working, she likes music. Her  favorite instrument of all time is cello.

The department is enormously pleased to have her on board and we anticipate a great first year. Welcome!