Busy months ahead for Chicago linguists

More fun stuff to report:

Second-year student Rebekah Baglini presented her paper “Modeling Variation and Change in Raddoppiamento Sintattico” at the Fifteenth Mid-Continental Workshop on Phonology (McWOP) at Indiana University last Sunday, October 11.

Alice Lemieux‘s paper “Small but significant: Body part incorporation in Washo” has been accepted for presentation at the 15th Workshop on Structure and Constituency in the Languages of the Americas (WSCLA), Feb. 5-7 2010, in Ottawa, Ontario.

Linguistics faculty member Karlos Arregi will present “The Syntax of Comparative Numerals” at NELS 40, to be held at MIT November 13-15.

Slavic/Linguistics joint-Ph.D. student Andrew Dombrowski will be giving a paper entitled “On Vowel Contraction in Macedonian” at the 7th Macedonian-North American Conference on Macedonian Studies, which will be held at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, November 5-8. He will also participate in a roundtable entitled “Macedonian Language Contact – from Linguistic League to Diaspora” at the national convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS), in Boston from November 12 – 15. Slavic faculty member Victor Friedman is likewise scheduled to give papers at the MNACMS and AAASS, as well as AATSEEL and a special conference on linguistic minorities in Turkey and Turkish minorities outside Turkey at the University of Cyprus.