Monthly Archives: January 2009

Hot off the presses from Sali

Salikoko Mufwene has begun another calendar year with several new publications, which include
  • (With Cécile B. Vigouroux, eds.) 2008. Globalization and Language Vitality: Perspectives from Africa. London: Continuum Press.
  • 2009. “Some offspring of colonial English are creole.” In Vernacular Universals and Language Contacts, ed. by Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola, and Heili Paulasto, 208-303. New York/London: Routledge.
Last weekend, Sali also presented his paper, “Humans as the ecology of language(s),” at The Nexus of Biology and Linguistics, the 6th Annual Martin Luther King Day Linguistics Symposium, held at The Ohio State University on January 19.

Kennedy, McNabb among paper acceptances

“On the Extraction of Attributive Adjectives and Deletion in Palestinian Arabic Comparatives,” a paper by department chair Chris Kennedy and third-year Ph.D. student Yaron McNabb, has been accepted to two upcoming conferences:

  • The 37th North American Conference on Afroasiatic Languages (NACAL) meeting in Albuquerque, NM, to be held March 13-15, 2009
  • The 23rd Arabic Linguistics Symposium at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, to be held April 3-5, 2009

In addition, a paper by April Lynn Grotberg, “Prosodic override of a differential object marking system,” was accepted to NACAL as well. NELC/Linguistics joint-Ph.D. student Charles Otte III will also be presenting at NACAL. Congratulations, all!

Straughn dissertation proposal defense today!

Fourth-year Ph.D. student Chris Straughn will be defending his dissertation proposal, “Evidentiality in Uzbek and Kazakh,” today, January 22. The defense will take place at 11 a.m. in Classics 312 (department lounge); the abstract can be viewed here. We’re wishing Chris the best!

LSA meeting last week

Many Chicago linguists spent several days last week at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (as well as the coinciding SSILA meeting), which took place in beautiful San Francisco, CA. The papers by University of Chicago graduate students and faculty were previously announced on BLING here, and the full LSA meeting program can be found here. Ask a conference attendee near you how it went!