Category: Entertainment
Let’s Get Working: Chicago Celebrates Studs Terkel
If you live in Chicago, you may already know about next week’s Let’s Get Working: Chicago Celebrates Studs Terkel. The festival, which runs from May 9-11, will feature screenings, concerts, talks, art installations, talks, performances, oral histories–all celebrating the incomparable Studs Terkel.* There has been a lot of attention surrounding “Reinventing Radio – An Evening…
Marooned! with Matt and Bill
Download Marooned! with Matt & Bill, a new podcast by and for graduate students. It’s about graduate student life and all things academic. Features Bill Hutchison (MAPH ’12) and Matt Hauske (current MAPH preceptor). Free on iTunes – leave a review!
Alumni Blog Spotlight: Selective Viewing by Kate Blair
Kate Blair (MAPH ’13) writes about her continuing exploration of film, video, and other visual media on her blog Selective Viewing. It includes reviews and
MLA Meet-up! Come have a drink with us Saturday.
The MLA Convention begins tomorrow in Downtown Chicago. This means that many of you will be in town
MAPH goes to ARTBAR!
On Friday, December 6th, from 6:00 – 8:00 pm, join MAPH students and alumni for ARTBAR, an evening of socializing, drinks, live performance, and art activities at the Hyde Park Art Center (5020 S. Cornell Avenue Chicago, IL 60615). The evening will include: Hands on art-making in 2 of the following media: clay, screenprinting, and…
Colloquium Launch Party – November 15 – Sign up now!
The editors of Colloquium invite you to the Third Issue Launch Party/First Birthday Party! REGISTER HERE to save yourself a spot.
The Chicago Manual: 2013 MAPH Grads in Newcity
Reaching out to the city’s newcomers, this week’s Newcity (“The Chicago Manual”) explores life at UChicago and in the South Side. The issue features pieces by three 2013 MAPHers: Greg Langen’s reflections on the value of embracing CTA-derived anonymity, Amanda Scotese’s guide to on-campus architecture, and Charlie Puckett’s breakdown of an exciting new Hyde Park establishment.
Volunteer for Learnapalooza! This Sunday in Logan Square!
What is Learnapalooza? It’s a community-based festival offering free workshops and classes lead by volunteers and hosted by local businesses. This year’s Logan Square Learnapalooza takes place on Sunday, September 22 all day in various Logan Square locations. Classes include:
The Taming of the Shrew, Directed by Jemma Alex Levy (’06)
You can still catch Muse of Fire Theatre Company’s production of The Taming of the Shrew this weekend in Evanston! Directed by MAPH alum Jemma Alix Levy, the show goes on in Ingraham Park on Saturday and Sunday at 3:00 pm. Both performances are free, no reservations are required, and seating is free & unlimited.…
A Day in the Life: An Externship at the Hyde Park Art Center
Here is a post from Keri Asma, MA ’13,on her recent externship to the Hyde Park Art Center. Keri is also one of the MAPH mentors for the upcoming year, so you’ll probably be hearing from her fairly often. Externships are opportunities for recently graduated or current Master’s and PhD students to shadow alumni in…