PhLiP 7

PhLiP is back! Philosophical Linguistics and Linguistical Philosophy (PhLiP) 7 took place  November 3-6, 2022 at the Tarrytown Estate in Westchester, NY.


Thursday, November 3

6.00-7.15 Dinner

7:30-9:30 Session 1
Dilip Ninan, “A relationist theory of intentional identity
Chair: Chris Kennedy

Friday, November 4

7:00-9:30     Breakfast

9:30-11.30     Session 2
Karen Lewis, “Imagined audiences and common ground”
Chair: Michael Glanzberg

12:00-1.00     Lunch

1:15-3:15     Session 3
Craige Roberts and Mandy Simons, “Preconditions, presuppositions and projection
Chair: Josh Dever

3:15-3:30     Break

3:30-5:30     Session 4
Daniel Harris, “Why communicative intentions?
Chair: Melissa Fusco

7:00-9:00     Dinner

Saturday, November 5

7:00-9:30     Breakfast

9:30-11.30     Session 5
Jessica Rett and W. Starr, “Hypothetical posing
Chair: Andy Egan

12:00-1.00     Lunch

1:15-3:15     Session 6
Matt Mandelkern, “Disjunction and possibility
Chair: Fabrizio Cariani

3:15-3:30     Break

3:30-5:30     Session 7
Sarah Moss, “A synthesis view of counterfactuals
Chair: Katherine Ritchie

7:00-9:00     Dinner

Sunday, November 6

7:00-9:30     Breakfast

9:30-11.30     Session 8
Una Stojnić, “Inferential Constraint and If φ, ought φ problem
Chair: David Braun

12:00-1.00     Lunch