Washo bibliography

By , July 2, 2019 7:12 am

This list is a work-in-progress. If you know of other references, please feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the page and we will update the site accordingly.

  1. Arregi, Karlos and Emily Hanink. 2018. “Switch reference in Washo as multiple subject agreement.” In Sherry Hucklebridge and Max Nelson (eds.) the Proceedings of NELS 48 vol. 1. 39-48.
  2. Andrea Beltrama, M. Ryan Bochnak. 2015. Intensification without degrees cross-linguistically. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 33(3): 843-879.
  3. Bochnak, Ryan. 2012. “Managing vagueness, imprecision and loose talk in Washo: the case of šemu.” In Elizabeth Bogal-Allbritten (ed.) Proceedings of Semantics of Underrepresented Languages of the Americas (SULA) 6, 1-14. Amherst, MA: GLSA.
  4. Bochnak, Ryan. 2013. “The non-universal status of degrees: Evidence from Washo.” In Stefan Keine and Shayne Slogget (eds.), Proceedings of the North-East Linguistic Society (NELS) 42, 79-92. Amherst, MA: GLSA.
  5. Bochnak, Ryan. 2015. “Underspecified modality in Washo.” In Proceedings of Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas 18: 3-17
  6. Bochnak, Ryan. 2015. The Degree Semantics Parameter and cross-linguistic variation. Semantics and Pragmatics 8(6): 1-48.
  7. Bochnak, Ryan. 2016. Past time reference in a language with optional tense. Linguistics and Philosophy 39:247-294.
  8. Bochnak, Ryan. 2017. “Sequence of optional tense.” In Dan Burgdorf, Jacob Collard, Sireemas Maspong and Brynhildur Stefánsdóttir (eds)., Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 27: 636-654.
  9. Bochnak, Ryan and Elizabeth Bogal-Allbritten. 2015. “Investigating gradable predicates, comparison, and degree constructions in underrepresented languages.” In M. Ryan Bochnak and Lisa Matthewson, eds., Methodologies in Semantic Fieldwork, 110-134. New York: Oxford University Press.
  10. Bochnak, Ryan and Alice Rhomieux. 2013. Limited noun incorporation in Washo. International Journal of American Linguistics 79 (2): 253-281.
  11. Bochnak, Ryan, Emily Hanink, and Alan C. L. Yu. To appear. Washo. In Carmen Jany, Marianne Mithun, and Keren Rice (eds.) Handbook of Languages and Linguistics of North America. Mouton.
  12. Bochnak, Ryan, Timothy Grinsell, and Alan Yu. 2011. “Copula agreement and the stage-level/individual-level distinction in Washo.” 2011. In Meagan Louie & Alexis Black (eds.), the UBC Working Papers in Linguistics: Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on the Structure and Constituency in the Languages of the Americas.
  13. Cihlar, Jonathon E. 2008. Database development for language documentation: A case study in the Washo language. M.A. thesis, University of Chicago.
  14. Dangberg, Grace. 1927. Washo texts. University of California Press.
  15. Dangberg, Grace. 1968. Washo Tales: Three Original Washo Indian Legends. Nevada State Museum.
  16. Flamand, Sean, and Darby Douros, Alan C. L. Yu. 2019. “An acoustic study of vowel harmony in Washo.” In the Proceedings of the 2019 International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.
  17. Hanink, Emily. 2016. “Internally headed relatives and event nominalizations in Washo.” In the Proceedings of BLS 42, ed. E. Clem, V. Dawson, Al. Shen, A.H. Skilton, G. Bacon, A. Cheng, & E.H. Maier: 119-134.
  18. Hanink, Emily and Ryan Bochnak. 2017. “Factivity and two types of embedded clauses in Washo.” In Andrew Lamont and Katerina Tetzloff (eds.), Proceedings of North-East Linguistic Society (NELS) 47, Vol. 2: 65-78.
  19. Hanink, Emily. 2019. “Negative concord in Washo as negative agreement.” In the Proceedings of the LSA 93 vol. 4.41, ed. Patrick Farrell: 1-12.
  20. Hanink, Emily. 2020. DP Structure and internally headed relatives in Washo. Online First. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory.
  21. Hanink, Emily A. To appear. “Negative concord is multiple agreement: imperatives in Washo.” In the Proceedings of NELS 50
  22. Kroeber, Alfred L. 1907. The Washo language of East Central California and Nevada. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 4: 251-317.
  23. Lowie, Robert H. 1939. Ethnographic Notes on the Washo. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 36 (5): 301-352.
  24. Lowie, Robert H. 1963. Washo texts. Anthropological Linguistics 5(7): 1-30.
  25. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1958. Washo and Karok: An Approach to Comparative Hokan. IJAL 24:195-212.
  26. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1964. A Grammar of the Washo Language. Berkeley: University of California dissertation. Pp. 701.
  27. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1966. “Washo Linguistic Studies.” The Current Status of Anthropological Research in the Great Basin, 1964, ed. by Warren L. D’Azevedo et al., 113-36. Reno: Desert Research Institute, University of Nevada.
  28. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1967. “Switch-Reference in Hokan-Coahuiltecan.” Studies in Southwestern Ethnolinguistics, ed. by Dell H. Hymes & William Bittle, 238-63. The Hague: Mouton.
  29. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1976. “Observations on the Yana Stop Series in Relationship to Problems of Comparative Hokan Phonology.” Hokan Studies, ed. by Margaret Langdon & Shirley Silver, 203-36. The Hague: Mouton.
  30. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1977. “A Glimpse of the Pre-Washo Pronominal System.” BLS 3:55-73.
  31. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1978. “Washo Internal Diversity and External Relations.” Selected Papers from the 14th Great Basin Anthropological Conference, ed. by Donald R. Tuohy, 115-47. Socorro, NM: Ballena Press.
  32. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1979a. “Hokan Inter-Branch Comparisons.” Languages of Native America, ed. by Lyle Campbell & Marianne Mithun, 545-91. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  33. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1979b. “Why Does Washo Lack a Passive?” Ergativity: Towards a Theory of Grammatical Relations, ed. by Frans Plank, 145-60. London: Academic Press.
  34. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1979c. “Gender and Personification in Washo.” JCGBA-PL 1:75-84.
  35. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1980a. “Washo Bipartite Verb Stems.” American Indian and Indoeuropean Studies, ed. by Kathryn Klar et al., 85-99. The Hague: Mouton.
  36. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1980b. “Inclusive/Exclusive: A Diffused Pronominal Category in Native Western North America.” Papers from the Parasession on Pronouns and Anaphora (CLS 16), ed. by Jody Kreiman & Almerindo E. Ojeda, 204-27. Chicago: CLS.
  37. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1983. “Typological and Genetic Notes on Switch-Reference Systems in North American Indian Languages.” Switch-Reference and Universal Grammar, ed. by John Haiman & Pamela Munro, 151-83. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
  38. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1986a. “Washoe Language.” Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 11: Great Basin, ed. by Warren d’Azevedo, 107-12. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution.
  39. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1986b. “Washo Linguistic Prehistory.” In Redden 1986a:33-58.
  40. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1993. “Western [North American languages.]” Encyclopedia of the North American Colonies, ed. by Jacob Ernest Cooke, Vol. III, Part XII: The Life of the Mind, 47-50. New York: Scribner’s.
  41. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1996a. Beginning Washo. (Occasional Papers, 5.) Carson City: Nevada State Museum. Pp. 58.
  42. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1996b. “Publications Concerning Washo and Hokan.” In Golla 1996a:133-35.
  43. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1996c. “Washo Pronouns.” In Golla 1996a:175-76.
  44. Jacobsen, William H., Jr. 1998. “Headless Relative Clauses in Washo.” In Hinton & Munro (eds.) 1998:102-16.
  45. Jacobsen, William H., Jr.; & Langdon, Margaret. 1996. Hokan Bibliographies: Selected Bibliography of Recent Works Relevant to Hokan. In Golla 1996a:131-32.
  46. Murphy, Justin and Alan C. L. Yu. 2007. “Moraic anchoring of f0 in Washo.” In the Proceedings of the International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences XVI. 1161-1164.
  47. Winter, Werner. 1970. “Reduplication in Washo: A Restatement.” IJAL 36:190-98.
  48. Yu, Alan C. L. 2005. “Quantity, stress, and reduplication in Washo.” Phonology 22(3): 437-475.
  49. Yu, Alan C. L. 2007. “Prosodically-conditioned segmental fission in Washo.” In Rebecaa Cover and Yuni Kim (eds.) The Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society. 513-524.
  50. Yu, Alan C. L. 2012. “Two patterns of reduplication in Washo.” In the Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society. 365-378.
  51. Yu, Alan C. L. 2018. “Laryngeal schizophrenia in Washo resonants.”  In Gene Buckley, Thera Crane, and Jeff Good (eds.) Revealing structure. Palo Alto: CSLI. 267-280.

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