Once again, I would like to thank Leili Adibfar, co-founder and Associate Editor of the Parsagon Review, for introducing us to the online journal of the Par[s]agon Project. For those who couldn’t make it, you can listen to the session by downloading the MP3 or using the player below.
Next week will be a film on the poetry of Parvin E’tesami; stay tuned for details!
A project on promoting Persian literature and culture in the English-speaking world, and on completing a database of contemporary Iranian/Persian literary and cultural figures
معرفی پروژه پارساگون: پروژه ای برای شناساندن ادبیات و فرهنگ فارسی به مخاطب انگلیسی زبان، و تکمیل پایگاه داده ای از شخصیت های ادبی و فرهنگی معاصر ایرانی/فارسی
Wed. Feb. 19, 5:00–6:30pm
Pick 222, 5828 S University Ave
Born in Tehran, Leili Adibfar has a B.A. in English literature from the University of Shahid Beheshti in Tehran and an M.A. in English literature from Loyola University in Chicago. Her areas of interest and activity include: literary theory and criticism, literary translation, and creative writing. She is currently working on the Parsagon Project and translating a collection of articles on postcolonial studies assembled by John McLeod.
لیلی ادیب فر، متولد تهران، دارنده لیسانس ادبیات انگلیسی از دانشگاه شهید بهشتی در تهران و فوق لیسانس ادبیات انگلیسی از دانشگاه لویولا در شیکاگو است. زمینه های فعالیت و علاقه مندی اش: نظریه و نقد ادبی، ترجمه ادبی و نویسندگی خلاق است. در حال حاضر مشغول به کار روی پروژه پارساگون و ترجمه مجموعه مقالاتی درباره مطالعات پسااستعماری به گردآوری جان مک لوید (John McLeod) می باشد.
Thanks to Ali for a fascinating talk yesterday! For those who couldn’t make it, here is the audio recording: download the MP3 or use the embedded player. I edited out the movie clips, but you can watch them using the YouTube links below:
For those of you who were not able to make it to Mr. Normandi’s talk about the Chicago Now Ruz Parade, you can listen to his presentation by downloading the MP3 or using the embedded media player. I edited out the video clips he played, but you can see them by following the YouTube links below:
The Persian Circle presents
انجمن سخن در دانشگاه شیکاگو تقدیم می کند
Ali Papoli-Yazdi علی پاپلییزدی
Modernity and the Demise of Manliness: Transformation of the “Luti” Archetype in Iranian Popular Movies 1958-1978
مدرنیته و افول مردانگی: تغییرات الگوی لات و جاهل در سینمای فارسی ۱۳۳۷ تا ۱۳۵۷
Wed. Feb. 5, 5:00–6:30pm
Pick 222, 5828 S University Ave
Ali Papoli-Yazdi has a B.A. in Iranian music and an M.A. and a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Tehran. He is generally interested in the ways traditional thought and society in Iran respond to issues of modernity. His M.A. thesis is on the views of Sayyed Hossein Nasr’s critique of modern social thought. His Ph.D. dissertation, which he defended in September 2013, is about “manly” (mardâne or jâheli) cinema before the Islamic revolution.
علی پاپلییزدی لیسانس موسیقی ایرانی از دانشگاه تهران و فوق لیسانس و دکتری جامعه شناسی از دانشگاه تهران دارد. علاقهی کلی او چگونگی واکنش اندیشه و جامعه سنتی ایران در برابر جهان مدرن هست. موضوع پایاننامهی فوق لیسانس او دربارهی منظر سید حسین نصر در نقد اندیشهی اجتماعی مدرن بود. پایاننامهی دکتری او در مورد سینمای مردانهی (جاهلی) قبل از انقلاب بود که در سپتامبر 2013 از آن دفاع کرد.
The Persian Circle presents
انجمن سخن در دانشگاه شیکاگو تقدیم می کند
Teerdad Amir Normandi
تیرداد امیر نورمندی
The Chicago Nowruz Parade and the Role of Social Media in Cultural Education
رژهی نوروز شیکاگو و نقش رسانههای اجتماعی در آموزش فرهنگی
Wed. Jan. 25, 5:30–7:00pm
Pick 016, 5828 S University Ave
Refreshments will be provided!
(Teerdad) Amir Normandi is the founder and coordinator of the Chicago Nowruz Parade (CNP). Through his campaign, the city council has established the last Saturday of March as the day of the Chicago Now Ruz Parade. In addition, he has put concerted efforts towards obtaining an official declaration in Illinois that would establish the first day of Farvardin as a day to recognize the traditional heritage of Iranians since 1990. This led to the establishment of the first offical declaration of Nowruz in the US in 1996, signed by Republican Governor Jim Edgar.
(تیرداد) امیر نورمندی هماهنگ کننده و بنیانگزار رژه نوروزی شیکاگو است که در این شهر مهم جهانی برگزار می شود. با کوشش او شورای شهر آخرین شنبه در ماه مارچ را روز رژه نوروزی شیکاگو نام گذارده.
کوشش های امیر نورمندی از سال های 1990 متمرکز در گرفتن بیانیه رسمی اعلام روز یکم فروردین به عنوان روز میراث سنتی ایرانیان در ایالت ایلینوی بوده که در سال 1996 نخستین بیانیه رسمی نوروزی به امضای یک فرماندار جمهوریخواه (جیم ادگار) در آمریکا به نتیجه رسید.
Thank you for coming to Barbara Scharres’ talk! We did not record the Circle, but below I am attaching trailers to some of the movies that were mentioned. In addition, I recommend that you visit the Festival of Films From Iran for more great films to see.
The Persian Circle presents
انجمن سخن در دانشگاه شیکاگو تقدیم می کند
Barbara Scharres Director of Programming, Gene Siskel Film Center
Trends and Challenges in Iranian Cinema
Wednesday, 5:30pm
Pick 222 / 5828 South University Avenue
Barbara Scharres is the Director of Programming at the Gene Siskel Film Center, a public program of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. In this capacity she is the artistic director for one of the largest cultural exhibition programs of world cinema in North America. She has published articles and criticism in film magazines and journals including American Cinematographer, Film Comment, Chicago Reader, Variety, and the Chicago Sun-Times, and has contributed to books including Hong Kong Babylon, edited by Fred Dannen. In addition to receiving numerous awards and honors, she has been instrumental in coordinating the Festival of Films from Iran, a ground-breaking event now in its 24th year. The festival this year will run February 7–28, and you can see the full lineup of films at the following link: http://www.siskelfilmcenter.org/iran2014
Note that we will be starting at 5:30 and not 5:00, but there will be tea and possibly cookies to keep up your caffeine and blood sugar levels. The talk will be in English. Hope to see you there!
For those of you who were unable to attend Prof. Lincoln’s talk, here is the audio of our circle. You can listen to it using the embedded player or download the MP3 here.
We did not record the Persian Circle last week, but in content it was very similar to a talk she had given at Georgia College, and with her kind permission we have posted the link for you to view. Enjoy!