The Ottoman and Turkish Studies program lays a great emphasis on proper education of its students in languages. The University of Chicago is a unique place that has very strong offerings in Modern and Ottoman Turkish, as well as in some other Turkic Languages.
Modern Turkish
Modern Turkish is taught at first, second and third year levels. Students are expected to reach an intermediate level of proficiency after completing first year, and a high intermediate to advanced level upon completing second year. Basic grammar is covered in first year. The second year emphasizes comprehension and self-expression both in written and spoken Turkish, and gradually introduces Turkish literature, with the help of textual and audio-visual materials of increasing complexity. The third year level is designed for students who have completed the first two levels and have reached an advanced level of proficiency, and emphasizes further readings in Turkish literature. Further Turkish reading courses in the original are also available for advanced students. All courses are staffed by full-time faculty, as well as by language instructors and teaching assistants.
At all levels of instruction, the four basic skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing are thoroughly emphasized. In addition to the regular offerings of Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced Turkish during the school year, it is possible for students to register for Intensive Summer Turkish classes through the Graham School’s Summer Program. Our students have access to FLAS, FLAG and CLS fellowships, and also benefit from a number of academic institutional connections with study abroad programs in Turkey, thanks to departmental and individual faculty affiliations.
The course offerings are supplemented by the weekly gatherings of the Turkish Circle, a voluntary student organization that promotes Turkish conversation in an informal setting, as well as events such as films, lectures, presentations and discussions in Turkish, and other items of cultural interest such as concerts, dinners and excursions.
Turkic Languages
First Year Uzbek emphasizes the acquisition of basic Uzbek grammar, based on both writing systems (Cyrillic and Latin, official since 1995), as well as basic conversational skills in Modern Literary Uzbek using audio-visual materials. Second Year Uzbek introduces Uzbek literary texts through a series of graded texts, and develops further skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing Modern Uzbek. The students have the possibility to apply for fellowships for summer school programs in Uzbekistan.

Ottoman epigraphy still needs more attention: Sadullah Efendi; finance minister some time before 1816. Süleymaniye Mosque cemetery, Istanbul
Ottoman Turkish
Ottoman Turkish can be studied at the introductory/intermediate and advanced levels. As anyone familiar with this language knows, one can begin to learn Ottoman Turkish (in fact, the first two years of Modern Turkish can be counted towards Ottoman Turkish), but reaching a level at which one can comfortably tackle difficult texts requires some time and experience. Keeping this in mind, we periodically offer courses on specialized subjects of Ottoman literary production, such as historiography, travelogues, hagiography, diplomatics, etc. at the high advanced level.
On demand, special courses on Old Anatolian Turkish are offered as well, introducing students to the distinctive grammatical and lexical features of Old Anatolian Turkish (the formative period of Ottoman Turkish, 13th-15th centuries) through translation literature and original texts in prose and poetry.
For COURSES CURRENTLY on OFFER, go to the registrar’s website, seek “Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations”, click on Turkish, Uzbek, and NEHC.