Ph.D. Program in Composition

Entering Without a M.A. in Music

Students in the first three years of the program will normally take nine quarters of Music 34000 (Composition Group Lessons) and twelve quarters of Music 34100 (Composition Seminar). Starting in year 4, students work with one dissertation adviser by appointment.

Students also complete twelve courses of 30000- or 40000-level instruction, including the following: MUSI 31100: Analysis of Tonal Music I MUSI 31300: Analysis of Twentieth-Century Music MUSI 32800: Music since 1900 A 30000-level course in ethnomusicology; students are strongly encouraged to take either MUSI 33500 (Introduction to World Music) or an area-studies course focused on non-Western music.

Advanced Orchestration: At least two quarters in Sound Practices (one of which has to be on the 30000 or 40000 level). If the student is already coming in with a more advanced background, one of these courses can be taken in outside departments such as Computer Science, DoVA, etc. Courses which fulfill the requirement are agreed upon in consultation with the Sound Practices faculty and the Director of Graduate Studies.

MUSI 38000: Score-reading and Conducting (a one-year course for one course credit) Four electives, of which two have to be in composition (e.g. Aesthetics for Composers, Contemporary Opera; Composer / Performer Workshop) and one outside of the music department, related to students’ composition and sound practice, to provide interdisciplinary context. These electives will be chosen in consultation with the faculty mentor or DGS to meet individual objectives and with a view toward expanding, rather than simply reinforcing, the student’s base of knowledge.

Entering with an M.A. in Music

Students entering with an M.A. (or equivalent degree) in Music and pursuing Track 1 will normally complete nine quarters each of Music 34000 ((Composition Group Lessons) and 34100 (Composition Seminar) and nine courses of 30000- or 40000-level instruction, including the following:

MUSI 31300: Analysis of Twentieth-Century Music A 30000-level course in ethnomusicology; students are strongly encouraged to take either MUSI 33500 (Introduction to World Music) or an area-studies course focused on non-Western music.

Advanced Orchestration: At least two quarters in Sound Practices (on the 30000 or 40000 level). If the student is already coming in with a more advanced background, one these courses can be taken in outside departments such as Computer Science, DoVA, etc.  Courses which fulfill the requirement are agreed upon in consultation with the Sound Practices faculty and the Director of Graduate Studies.

Four electives, of which three will be used to fulfill Minor Field requirements. These electives will be chosen in consultation with the faculty mentor or DGS to meet individual objectives and with a view toward expanding, rather than simply reinforcing, the student’s base of knowledge. agreed upon in consultation with the Sound Practices faculty and the Director of Graduate Studies.

Four electives, of which two have to be in composition (e.g. Aesthetics for Composers, Contemporary Opera; Composer / Performer Workshop) and one outside of the music department, related to students’ composition and sound practice, to provide interdisciplinary context. These electives will be chosen in consultation with the faculty mentor or DGS to meet individual objectives and with a view toward expanding, rather than simply reinforcing, the student’s base of knowledge.


All students must enroll in six quarters of Colloquium (MUSI 41000). Students may register for Colloquium in any quarter.


The successful completion of two different performance activities that expand the student’s skills and professional horizons.


A reading knowledge of one foreign language, normally chosen from German, French, and Italian. Another language may be substituted upon approval of petition. The student’s language of origin (parent tongue) may not be used to fulfill this requirement. See Language Examinations for further details.

Portfolio Review

Students have to submit a portfolio of creative works created over the past three quarters at the end of every academic year. One of portfolio during their time in the program has to include an interdisciplinary project/work and one has to include a performance activity. The portfolio should be presented at the last composition group lesson of the year (critique).

Comprehensive Examinations

A two-part examination that examines the students’ knowledge of relevant works (scores; recordings; multimedia-works selected by the composition faculty) from the fields that are relevant to their studies to be fulfilled over a 72–hour period in June. A 72-hour analysis and reflection exam of a score/electronic/multimedia piece picked from three post-1970 areas the students are asked to prepare during the summer, to be fulfilled over a 72–hour period in September

See the general discussion of comprehensive exams for more details.

Research Paper

A Research Paper, normally 30-50 pages in length, presented to and approved by a committee of two or three faculty members, including at least one member of the Composition faculty. The completed paper will normally emerge from coursework and the students are encouraged to pursue a publication in a journal. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the Dissertation Development Seminars that can help in the preparation and drafting of the minor field paper.

Plan for the Research Paper

The student must submit to their advisor 1) a one-page proposal for the Research Paper, and 2) the names of the faculty members who have agreed to advise the project and serve on the committee. Once approved by the faculty advisor, the plan will be filed in the student’s dossier in the Department of Music. After drafting the paper, the student will defend it before the two- or three-person committee. The drafted Research Paper must be submitted to the Committee no later than two weeks before its defense.


Students are strongly encouraged to outline, write, and defend the Research Paper during year 3. The Research Paper should in any case be completed by the end of Scholastic Residence (the end of year 4). Candidacy/ABD status cannot be attained without successful defense of the Research Paper, which must therefore commence in all cases no later than nine months prior to defense of the dissertation.



Students shall draft a one-page document outlining their dissertation performance component including the new work composed for the performance in as much detail as possible, specifying the instruments, personnel, hardware, and software to be used, as well as setting out any other parameters that might affect the final realization of the composition. Students shall present the Composition Prospectus to the faculty adviser and the intended dissertation committee members for discussion. The defense of the Composition Prospectus should not be scheduled until all parts of the Comprehensive Examination have been successfully completed. Following approval of the Prospectus, the document will be filed in the student’s dossier in the Department of Music. Substantive changes in the

should be submitted to the Director of Graduate Studies for faculty approval. proposed composition should be submitted to the Director of Graduate Studies for faculty approval.

Admission to Candidacy

Following the completion of all of the above requirements, including the submission of the composition prospectus, the student will be recommended by the Department of Music to the Dean of Students for admission to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree.


The dissertation consists of:

a) A performance (performance component)

b) A new work composed for the performance (formerly “dissertation piece”)

c) A portfolio of substantial works created during their Ph.D. including an Artist Statement.

The new composition should be completed within three years after admission to candidacy. Extensions, however, may be granted under special circumstances.


A final oral examination in defense of the dissertation composition. The three-to-five person faculty committee must include at least two members of the Composition faculty. At least nine months (three quarters) must normally elapse between admission to candidacy and the dissertation defense. All other requirements must be completed before the defense is scheduled.

N.B.: Students may not apply for the Ph.D. degree until all degree requirements have been met.

Satisfactory Progress Requirements

The following specific requirements for the program in Composition should be read in the context of the general comments on satisfactory progress provided above. The following requirements are a minimal lower limit; students are encouraged to exceed these requirements at whatever rate suits them.

During year 1 students should complete at least eight courses, one performance activity, and/or one language. Students with an M.A. degree in Music pursuing Track 1 should complete the following requirements by the end of year 1: nine courses plus either two performance activities or one language and one performance activity. By the end of year 1, students should have presented their current portfolio at the last composition group lesson of the year (critique).

By the end of year 2 students should have completed all courses (with the exception of composition group lessons and the composers’ seminar) plus the language examination and one or two performance activities. By the end of year 2, students should have presented their current portfolio at the last composition group lesson of the year (critique).

By the end of year 3 students should have completed all of their performance activities and language examinations, and passed all sections of the Comprehensive Examinations. By the end of year 3, students should have presented their current portfolio at the last composition group lesson of the year (critique).

By the end of year 4 students should have completed and defended their Research Paper and dissertation performance prospectus. By the end of year 4, students should have presented their current portfolio at the last composition group lesson of the year (critique).

Year 5 should be dedicated to composing the dissertation piece and preparing and presenting the dissertation performance component.

M.A. Degree en Route in Composition

Students may apply to receive the Master of Arts upon completion of the following requirements:

  • 12 courses in the Department of Music, including 6 courses in Composition, and including at least 4 other required non-elective courses
  • 1 language exam
  • 1 performance activity
  • An M.A. composition written in residence. Normally the composition will be more than 8 minutes in duration. The composition should be submitted to the Department in final form at least one month before Convocation. A bound, legibly written copy of the composition is to be deposited in the Department of Music.

Students who enter with a Master’s in music may only receive the Masters en route if they are pursuing Track 2.