Month: September 2013

  • Episode 51: Jeroen Groenendijk and Floris Roelofsen discuss inquisitive semantics

    This month, we get a little bit meta and ask our distinguished guests some questions about questions.  Or at least about the semantics of questions.  Jeroen Groenendijk is Professor of Philosophy of Language and Floris Roelofsen is Assistant Professor of Logic and Semantics at the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation in Amsterdam. Click here…

  • How to save the value of productive work

    Toward the end of his interview on Elucidations, Greg Salmieri [S.] argues against Aristotle’s view that some of our life-activities are intrinsically valuable apart from the whole they constitute, in order to make room for valuing productive work alongside the candidates Aristotle himself prefers. This raises a question about Aristotle and a worry about S.’s own view. The…

  • Instruments, Constituents, and the Holistic View on Life

    In this post, I would like to propose an elaboration of Salmieri’s (Episode 50) discussion of instrumental and constitutive means, and his suggestion of a holistic approach to the evaluation of activities (the ‘holistic view of life’). In particular, I will suggest one way in which we can see a blurring of the distinction of…