Afanti and Poor Father

August 24th, 2016 § 0 comments



Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 阿凡提的儿子喜欢骑马,而阿凡提喜欢骑驴。 / 阿凡提的兒子喜歡騎馬,而阿凡提喜歡騎驢。
  • 阿凡提的爸爸是穷人,喜欢骑驴,所以阿凡提也喜欢骑驴。 / 阿凡提的爸爸是窮人,喜歡騎驢,所以阿凡提也喜歡騎驢。
  • 阿凡提懂得赚钱不容易,所以很省钱。 / 阿凡提懂得賺錢不容易,所以很省錢。
  • 阿凡提发了财以后,为了让儿子高兴,就给他买了马。 / 阿凡提發了財以後,為了讓兒子高興,就給他買了馬。

Statements in English:

  • Afanti’s son likes to ride horses, and Afanti likes to ride donkeys.
  • Afanti’s father is poor and likes to ride donkeys, so Afanti also likes to ride donkeys.
  • Afanti knows that it is not easy to make money, so he saves it.
  • After he became rich, Afanti bought his son a horse to make him happy.

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