Moyisha and Secretary

August 15th, 2016 § 0 comments

两个犹太人见了面。“莫伊沙,你为什么这样忧伤?” “我被从区委第一书记的职位上撤下来了。” “为什么?” “无非是某个坏蛋到州委会告发我,说我不是党员。”

兩個猶太人見了面。“莫伊沙,你為什麼這樣憂傷?” “我被從區委第一書記的職位上撤下來了。” “為什麼?” “無非是某個壞蛋到州委會告發我,說我不是黨員。””

Choose one of the statements, then rollover the choices to see the correct answer.

  • 莫伊沙受了委屈。
  • 莫伊沙原来骗了人,才当了区委第一书记。 / 莫伊沙原來騙了人,才當了區委第一書記。
  • 莫伊沙认为,不是党员也可以当区委第一书记。 / 莫伊沙認為,不是黨員也可以當區委第一書記。
  • 把莫伊沙告了的人是坏蛋。 / 把莫伊沙告了的人是壞蛋。
Statements in English:
  • Moyisha has been wronged.
  • Moyisha became the first party secretary of the district because he had cheated.
  • Moyisha thinks that one can be the first party secretary of the district even if one is not a party member.
  • The person who accused Moyisha is a scoundrel.

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