Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • An “average” publication

    Did you know the average professor publishes 0.7 journal articles per year? That’s what we hear, anyway. Our department chair Chris Kennedy, however, just had an entire paper (coauthored with Jason Stanley at Rutgers) come out in the philosophy journal Mind. Congratulations!

  • Fieldwork frenzy

    Ph.D. student Jackie Bunting, currently ABD, has received a Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant from the National Science Foundation. She’ll spend three months in Suriname conducting fieldwork for her thesis, entitled “English to Sranan: An Assessment of Structural Similarities and Differences,” starting on October 18th. Hope you have an enjoyable, fruitful trip! Also this year, Thomas Wier is…

  • Slavic summer with Swedish runes and Sven

    Kelly Maynard, a historical linguist in the Slavic department, shares two recent publications which came out over the summer. 2009. ‘I want to buy it’ in the Albanian glossary of Arnold von Harff.  Transactions of the Philological Society. Volume 107: 2: 231-252. With Şerife Geniş.  Formation of a Diasporic Community: The History of Migration and Resettlement of Muslim…

  • Stensrud defends her dissertation

    BLING and the entire department would like to congratulate Kjersti Stensrud for her successful defense of her thesis “Aspects of Event Composition in Norwegian and English,” which happened on September 16.  Belated felicitations, Kjersti! Best of luck!

  • First tea of the year today!

    BLING welcomes back all members of the department, new and old!  We trust your summers were both productive and enjoyable (yes, it can happen). Today, Thursday, marks our first tea of the new academic year.  Hosted by CLS46, it starts at 4 p.m. and will be held in the linguistics lounge on the 3rd floor…

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