Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • CK in HK

    Last week, Chris Kennedy was out of the department—and the country—to give a four-part lecture series on “Vagueness and Comparison” (abstracts), kindly hosted by the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages at Chinese University, Hong Kong. Thanks for the photo, Chris!

  • McNabb co-authors two new papers

    Yaron McNabb has just had two articles based on research done with colleagues at Northwestern University published: “Distinguishing the Said from the Implicated Using a Novel Experimental Paradigm” was published in Semantics and Pragmatics: From Experiment to Theory, and was written with Meredith Larson, Ryan Doran, Rachel Baker, Matthew Berends, Alex Djalali, and Gregory Ward. “On the Non-Unified Nature of…

  • Kuzmack’s work contributes to new book

    Stefanie Kuzmack‘s research on the English suffix –ish has been used in Muriel Norde’s new book,  Degrammaticalization (Oxford U. Press).  In fact, there’s a subsection of a chapter based on her work. Check it out!

  • Alumni tidbits

    Ilya Yakubovich (PhD 2008) continues to live in Chicago and contribute to scholarship as much as his schedule allows him. In April 2009, his paper “Hittite-Luvian Bilingualism and the Origin of Anatolian Hieroglyphs” was awarded Oliver Gurney Memorial Prize for the best paper in Anatolian Studies written by a junior scholar. In October 2009, he defended his second dissertation “Studies in…

  • Last LVC talk of the quarter today

    Join us today at 3:30 in Harper 130 for the fifth and final talk of the Language Variation and Change Workshop. Kelly Maynard (Center for East European Russian/Eurasian Studies) will be giving her talk on “Balkan Sprachbund Features in Samsun Albanian” (abstract). Stick around afterwards for snacks, drinks, and hobnobbing.

Got any book recommendations?