Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • More for Max and Morgan

    In addition to each presenting at BLS36, Max Bane and Morgan Sonderegger have a couple more talks lined up in the near future. First, Max will be presenting a longer version of his work on the English dative alternation at the Stanford Phonetics and Phonology Workshop on February 8, as well as a related paper,…

  • Chicagoans heading for Berkeley this month

    A number of U.Chicagoans will be giving papers at BLS36 this month (program with abstracts here), on a variety of topics including prosody, syntax, historical phonology and discourse. Max Bane will be talking on “A Combinatoric Model of Variation in the English Dative Alternation”. Andrew Dombrowski (Slavic/Ling.) will present his paper, “When is orthography not just orthography? The…

  • Arum’s QP2

    As of last week, Arum Kang has defended her second qualifying paper, entitled “On the role of the Accentual Phrase in Korean in semantic interpretation of NP coordination.”  Now on to dissertation mode! In addition, Arum will be giving a talk based on her QP work, “On the semantic role of the accentual phrase in Korean NP Coordination,”…

  • Congratulations to Nikki Adams . . .

    … on the successful defense of her dissertation, “The Zulu ditransitive verb phrase”! Her CV can be found here. On behalf of the entire department we wish you the best, Nikki!

  • Update from Sali

    Another member of our faculty, Salikoko Mufwene, has also been keeping a brisk pace with his scholarly activity of late. His recent publications range from several chapter contributions to new books on the evolution of language, language change and global Englishes to a co-authored peer-reviewed article on “Building social cognitive models of language change” (Trends in…

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