Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Recently past defenses

    Here’s an update on some other recent past defenses – some more recent, some more past: On September 17, Tommy Grano defended his dissertation proposal, ‘Toward a semantically based account of the distribution of control’. Way to go! Over the summer months, Peter Klecha (“Focus-Related Verb Repetition and Nominalization in Luganda”), Rebekah Baglini (“Aspect, modality,…

  • Grano & Sawada paper accepted

    Thomas Grano and recent PhD Osamu Sawada have just had their paper “Scale structure, coercion, and the interpretation of measure phrases in Japanese” accepted for publication in Natural Language Semantics. Nice work, gentlemen!

  • Chicagoans in and out of SWAMP

    Last month, Rebekah Baglini presented a paper called “The syntax and event structure of the get-causative” at the 4th Meeting of the Arizona Linguistics Circle in Tuscon. In addition, the 2010 iteration of everyone’s favorite acronym, the Semantics Workshop of the MidWest & Prairies (SWAMP), is happening this weekend (Nov. 13) at the University of Michigan,…

  • Grano paper accepted

    ABD Tommy Grano has just had his paper, “Mandarin hen and Universal Markedness in Gradable Adjectives”, accepted for publication in the journal Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, so be on the lookout in a forthcoming issue. Way to go, Tommy!

  • Bane prospectus defense

    The results are in: Congratulations are due to Max Bane (5th year, now ABD), who successfully defended his dissertation proposal ‘Counting Grammars’ last Friday, October 3!

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