Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Thomas Grano: Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellow

    5th year PhD student Thomas Grano has been awarded a Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship for the next academic year. This is a national competition among students from all areas of the humanities. Congratulations, Tommy!

  • Rebekah Baglini: Bloch Fellow

    3rd-year PhD student Rebekah Baglini has been named the 2011-13 Bloch Fellow. This award goes to the person who is, in the eyes of the LSA Summer Institute fellowship selection committee, “the most promising applicant for fellowships” at the Institute. The Bloch Fellow receives an institute fellowship (obviously), and then serves as a voting member…

  • Jason Riggle at UCSD

    Jason Riggle just spoke at the linguistics colloquium of the University of Southern California, San Diego, on Generative models of variation within and between languages, the abstract of which follows: In this talk, I evaluate three proposed mechanisms for generative models of variation within language: (i) sampling from partially specified grammars, (ii) grammars with noisy…

  • Congratulations, Julia!

    Congrats to Julia Thomas for successfully defending her qualifying paper, “Styeshifting in African American English: Theoretical Implications from a phonetic analysis of /ai/ monophthongization”!

  • More upcoming conference talks

    In addition to several BLS talks mentioned below, Chicago researchers will be presenting at a number of other upcoming conferences. At the upcoming (Feb 11) 16th Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas, Ryan Bochnak, Tim Grinsell, and Alan Yu will be presenting “Copula agreement and the stage-level/individual-level distinction in Washo”.…

Got any book recommendations?