Category: talks

  • Language and Cognition Workshop on Friday

    Alan Yu will talk about “Selective pressures in sound change and phonological typology” at the Language and Cognition Workshop on Friday at 4pm in Green 104.

  • Holland Lecture on Tuesday (1/29)

    Language as a Complex Adaptive System John H. Holland University of Michigan January 29 Tuesday, 11:00 am RI 480 Nothing is less real than realism. Details are confusing. It is only by selection, by elimination, by emphases that we get at the real meaning of things. –Georgia O’Keefe This approach to language acquisition and evolution…

  • Stanislas Dehaene Lecture

    Symbol Grounding: How the Acquisition of Symbols Affects Numerical Cognition STANISLAS DEHAENE Collège de France 3:30 pm Cobb 201 5811 S. Ellis Professor Dehaene’s visit to Chicago is made possible with the support from the Florence Gould Foundation.

  • Zenzi Griffin Colloquium on Thursday

    Zenzi Griffin (Georgia Institute of Technology) will speak at the Department of Psychology colloquium on January 17, Thursday, at 4pm in Rosenwald 011. Her talk is titled, “How speakers’ eye movements reflect spoken language generation“.

  • Ernestus Colloquium on Thursday

    Gradient phonological generalizations in speech processing Mirjam Ernestus Radboud University Nijmegen & Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Thursday Jan. 10, 2008 Cobb 201, 3.30-5 pm Abstract Several studies have shown that speakers are sensitive to the absolute and statistically gradient phonological patterns in their mental lexicon. Participants prefer words conforming to these patterns, and they…