Category: colloquia

  • Ernestus Colloquium on Thursday

    Gradient phonological generalizations in speech processing Mirjam Ernestus Radboud University Nijmegen & Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Thursday Jan. 10, 2008 Cobb 201, 3.30-5 pm Abstract Several studies have shown that speakers are sensitive to the absolute and statistically gradient phonological patterns in their mental lexicon. Participants prefer words conforming to these patterns, and they…

  • Andrea Sims Colloquium

    The Department of Linguistics Colloquium Series presents Andrea D. Sims Northwestern University “When synchronic motivation disappears: On probabilities, paradigms, and processes of lexicalization” Thursday, November 1, 2007 Cobb 201, 3:30pm ABSTRACT In this paper I explore some of the conditions under which inflectional structures become lexicalized, and why they persist once established in the lexicon.…

  • John Searle Colloquium

    The Department of Comparative Human Development Colloquium Series presents JOHN SEARLE Professor, Department of Philosophy University of California, Berkeley “Language and Social Ontology” Tuesday, November 6th, 2007, 4:30pm Social Sciences 122 ABSTRACT In this talk I will show how all of human institutional reality is created and maintained by a single logico-linguistic process. The work…

  • Marina Terkourafi Colloquium

    The Department of Linguistics at the University of Chicago presents MARINA TERKOURAFI University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Cooperation revisited and renewed Thursday, October 25, 2007 Cobb 201, 3.30-5 pm Since (at least) Bach and Harnish (1979), several attempts have been made to clarify what might be “the accepted purpose…of the talk exchange” mentioned by Grice…

  • John Searle Colloquium

    The Department of Comparative Human Development Colloquium Series presents JOHN SEARLE Professor, Department of Philosophy University of California, Berkeley “Language and Social Ontology” Tuesday, November 6th, 2007, 4:30pm Social Sciences 122 ABSTRACT In this talk I will show how all of human institutional reality is created and maintained by a single logico-linguistic process. The work…