Category: students

  • Sawada awarded graduate fellowship

    Osamu Sawada has been awarded a Graduate Achievement Fellowship from the Division of the Humanities. Congratulations, Osamu, for work well done!

  • Liu to INTERSPEECH 2007

    Fang Liu will be presenting “The Neutral Tone in Question Intonation in Mandarin” with Yi Xu (UCL) at INTERSPEECH 2007 at Antwerp, Belgium, in August.

  • Elliott defended QP

    Malcolm Elliott successfully defended his first QP last week on semantic constraints on the distribution of the Japanese reflexive zibun. Good work, Malcolm!

  • ICPhS acceptances

    A bunch of UofC linguists will be presenting at the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences in Saarbrücken, Germany (August 6-10): Fang Liu and Yi Xu (UCL): Question intonation as affected by word stress and focus in English. James Kirby and Alan Yu: Lexical and phonotactic effects on wordlikeness judgements in Cantonese. Justin Murphy and Alan…

  • Congratulations!

    Several students have successfully defended their QPs last week: James Kirby: “Lexical and phonotactic effects on wordlikeness judgments in Cantonese.” Stefie Kuzmack: “In re re: A Case of Simultaneous Grammaticalization and Degrammaticalization.” Patrick Midtlyng: “On hiatus resolution in Washo.” Osamu Sawada: ‘Pragmatic aspects of implicit comparison: An economy-based approach’. Well done y’all!