Category: students

  • Adam Baker at 2007 Amsterdam Colloquium

    Adam Baker will present “Discourse coherence and VP ellipsis with split antecedents” at the 2007 Amsterdam Colloquium, one of the most prestigious conferences in semantics. Well done, Adam!

  • Nikki Adams’ QP defense

    Nikki Adams successfully defended her QP, “Passivization and object marking in Zulu: High vs. low applicatives and agreement vs. pronominal object markers”. Congratulations!

  • LSA and SSILA acceptances

    A huge number of University of Chicago linguists will be presenting at the LSA and SSILA meetings on January 3-6, 2008. Presenters at the LSA include: Nikki Adams Lobke Aelbrecht (visiting grad student during winter quarter) Maximilian Bane Jacqueline Bunting Amy Franklin Victor Friedman Anastasia Giannakidou Susan Goldin-Meadow James Kirby Yaron McNabb Jason Riggle Osamu…

  • The 1st Meeting of the Arizona Linguistics Circle

    A bunch of U of C linguists will be presenting at the first Arizona Linguistics Circle meeting at University of Arizona, Oct 19-21: Jackie Bunting: ”Identifying the Antecedent: Slovak Pronouns and the PAH” Malcolm Elliott: ”Nonhuman Participants and zibun in Japanese” Kjersti Stensrud: ”Reanalyzing Unergative Pseudocoordinations in Norwegian”

  • Merchant and Boyle to present at the Mid-America Linguistics Conference

    Jason Merchant and recent alum John Boyle will be presenting at the 2007 Mid-America Linguistics Conference to be held on October 26-28 at the University of Kansas. Jason will talk about “Spurious coordination in Vlach multiple wh-fronting” and John will present ”The Hidatsa mood markers revisited”.